#60. New Outfits Help

Whatever your friend likes to do – yoga, bike riding, hiking, golf – get her a new outfit for that activity or just a new outfit to wear around. It may seem small and silly in the midst of a serious situation, but it feels good and she’s certainly not shopping for herself right now.

#59. Aromatherapy

Having your house filled with a beautiful scent can be comforting and relaxing. Give an oil diffuser with a relaxing scent like lavender. Do a little research in to what scents may be appropriate for the situation….relaxing, healing, energizing, etc. You could also include a rollerball of the same or a complimenting scent that the person could apply to their skin any time they need a lift.

#58. Add a Gift Card to an Outing

When my family takes a trip, my mom comes over and gives each of my girls a rolled up $10.00 bill. It’s always fun to have your own spending money. If you hear that anyone in the family is going to a theme park, sporting event, movies, a play, etc., drop of a gift card or cash for snacks, souvenirs, and extra fun. It’s just an extra way to show some love in a card that simply says, “This is to help add to your fun at the play tonight!”

#57. Housekeeping

In times of grief and especially in times of illness, cleaning the house can seem overwhelming. Chip in with friends and hire a housekeeping service to help out the family.

#56. Have an Easter Egg Hunt

When it’s hard for a family to be in the mood for holidays, offer activities to make the parents feel like the kids are still having fun celebrating. If a mom is too sick to bring a child to an egg hunt, have one in your yard and invite her kids and all their friends. Or drop off pre-filled plastic eggs in a basket at their house and a caretaker can have the hunt when the time seems right.

#55. Pot a Plant and Add Notes

Buy or pot a flower or plant and have everyone who loves them attach notes either on spikes or with ribbons.

#54. Shovel, Plow, Rake and Mow

Shovel their walkways in winter and have someone with a plow clear the driveway. Rake their leaves in the fall. Mow their lawn in summer. That first year after September 11th all these things were done for my sister and they were a Godsend. Whatever upkeep you are doing for your own house during any particular season, see if you can set it up for them as well.

#53. Plan a Game Night

Drop off board games and dinner or snacks for a fun night that can keep kids entertained or even the whole family. For a personal touch, you can order playing cards online made with their pet’s picture on it!

#52. Host a Party At Heartworks

We host “Possible Parties,” which are necessary celebrations during impossible times. Maybe a child who recently lost a parent needs a birthday party, or maybe a friend going through treatment would enjoy a girl’s night. A possible party can be a much-needed and enjoyable treat for someone.

#51. Choose a Symbol of Support for Them

Share this symbol with the people who love them. When our friend Barbara was in treatment, her family turned a “B” for Boston Strong into “B” for Barbara Strong and handed out “B” baseball hats for everyone to wear. Our friend Sage’s family handed out swallow bird pins to everyone to wear in support of Sage. If your friend is into Jesus, then choose a cross or rosary beads that can be shared with everyone.