#1. Pray

Pray for the family or person all day long while you are at work, running errands, or at home.

Organize prayer circles at you church or home.
Instructions: Send out a group text or email inviting friends over to your house. Have a candle lit before everyone gets there (to set the mood) and invite everyone to sit together in a room. Go around the room and allow everyone to say their own prayers out loud or choose common prayers everyone knows and say them out loud together over and over again. For family and friends who are not close by you can send out a group text or email with the date and time and ask them to stop what they are doing at the time of the prayer circle, light a candle, and sit in prayer. Before everyone leaves, remind them to keep praying.

Another way to bring people together remotely is to pick a day and time to pray and ask everyone to pray for the person all at the same time. You can let the person you are praying for know this so they can feel the power of it. Remind people that you can be at a soccer game or in a store and still pray!